Although I'm no stranger to Web 2.0 (I've kept in touch with friends through LiveJournal since 2003), I actually have never started a blog via Blogger. At the top of this blog you will see links to two Web 2.0 sites that I regularly use.

Children's Lit Love is a Wiki that I started, using WetPaint. All Consuming is a collaborative site where one adds movies, books and food they've "consumed." Book and movie information is pulled off of Amazon. Here one can also write reviews and thoughts about these items and recommend material to other members. Members can also "cheer" entries and conversely, receive cheers for their entries by others.

All Consuming was created by The Robot Co-op the same folks who created 43 Things, 43 People and 43 Places. I'll go more into these in a later entry (But 23 Things was undoubtedly inspired by 43 Things, at least in name). Meanwhile, here is a list of additional Web 2.0 sites that I use (have used):
Backpack , , Flickr , Friendster , Kaboodle
LibraryThing , MediaWiki , Stikipad , Yahoo Groups

While here are some others that I've explored:
Facebook , MySpace , Squidoo , Twitter , YouTube

As you can see, the list can go on and on. There is little doubt that collaborative websites and applications are prevalent today in both social networking and in the working environment. More to come on Web 2.0 and an in-depth look at some of these sites.